Writers Meet Agents

  • 27 Jul 2024
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Delta Hotel, 1117 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT

Our main 2024 event. 6 literary agents are coming to speak and hear private Pitches from Attendees.



WHAT: A full day of speakers, continental breakfast, buffet lunch and pitch sessions!

WHEN: Saturday, July 27, 2024:  8:30 am — 4:30 pm

WHERE: The Delta Hotel by Marriott, 1117 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT


Cost: 175.00 for members; 235.00 non-members.

(Become a member at https://leagueofvermontwriters.org/join-us/ for 45.00 and save!)

Pitch the agent of your choice for 25.00 each.  Choose your pitches (Limit 2) when you buy your ticket.

 Full info about agents and their genres at  https://leagueofvermontwriters.org/wma.html

Writers Meet Agents Schedule of Events

8:30 Hall opens for registration, meet and greet and continental breakfast

9:00 Call to order; welcome remarks by President Caryn Connolly

9:15 Panel Discussion begins:

  • Katherine Sands, Sarah Jane Freymann Literary
  • Sorche Fairbank. Fairbank Literary
  • Carrie Howland, Howland Literary
  • Sheree Bykofsky, Sheree Bykofsky Associates
  • Rita Rosenkranz, Rita Rosenkranz Literary
  • Amy Thrall Flynn, Aevitas Creative Management

    10:30 Break – Look at other’s books, buy raffle tickets.

    agents take places in Pitch Hall, etc.

    10:45 Sherree Bykofsky presentation: Why You Need an Agent: How to find one, how to work with one, how to help them work with you, and how to proceed without them. Taking you from query letters to contracts to your questions,

                Pitch sessions begin

    11:45 Break for all – Mingle, buy raffle tickets, other’s book, etc.

    12:00 Lunch

    1:00 Rita Rosenkranz presentation  How to Write an Irresistible Non-fiction Book Proposal” What are the key components that define a winning book proposal? What research should an author do to help make sure the project has merit? How can an author leapfrog over the competition in the category? In this especially competitive climate, authors need to be savvy to manage the marketplace.

                Pitch sessions resume

    2:00 Carrie Howland presentation: Beyond the Query Letter; Links, Websites and More. 

                Pitch sessions continue

    3:00 Break for all

    3:15 Jennifer Wilkov presentation: Your Book Is Your Hook; Writing, marketing and getting published.

                Pitch sessions resume

    4:00 Quick Break for all, Pitches end.

    4:15 Final Remarks, Door Prizes, Raffle Tickets –

    4:30 Clean up – All help welcome

    5:00 LVW “Leaves the Building”