Getting Down to the Business of Writing and Business Meeting

  • 25 Jan 2020
  • 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Delta Hotel Burlington (formerly Trader Duke's


  • LVW Member Rate
  • Rate for people who are not LVW members

Getting Down to the Business of Writing:

New Voices, New Opportunities

and Annual Business Meeting

Date: Saturday, January 25, 2020
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Location: Delta Hotel Burlington (formerly Trader Duke's)

1117 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT  05403

Rate: $49 members / $64 non-members

Registration is closed


8:30 - 9:30 - Registration

9:30 - 11:00 - Megan Price - Secrets of a Successful Writer

11:00 - 11:15 - Break

11:15 - 12:30 -  Annual Business Meeting

12:30 - 1:30 -  Lunch

1:30 - 2:00 - LVW video

2:00 - 3-00 - Ann Dávila Cardinal - The Moveable Feast of Promoting Your Writing

3:00 - 3:30 - TBA


   Megan Price - Secrets of a Successful Writer

Publishers must make money. This requires readers willing to buy your work, be it a book, screenplay, etc. So, how do you make your work stand out? What do you need to do now? LVW member Megan Price started with nothing more than an idea a decade ago. But thanks to her extensive pre-publishing research and execution, her first book sold thousands of copies in just 12 weeks. Seven books later, Megan's distinctive work is enjoyed by readers aged 9 to 99, used in schools from Maine to Texas, and are mailed all over the world. Moreover, thanks to longtime LVW member Marge Sharp, Megan's stories were optioned for a TV series. Whether searching for a publisher or self-publishing, Megan believes there are certain steps you should take if your goal is to be widely read and sell books.

Get insights into the real world of marketing and selling books from an LVW member who has done so successfully.

About Megan Price

Megan Price grew up in Fair Haven, attended college, worked as an award-winning journalist for daily and weekly newspapers in Vermont, then as a publicist for private business, and was later elected to serve three terms in the Vermont House of Representatives. But for the past decade, Megan has been known as the author/publisher of the best-selling "Vermont Wild, Adventures of Fish & Game Warden" books which have proven a hit with ages 9 to 99. Her always humorous, sometimes harrowing stories consistently outsell NY Times bestsellers at many Green Mountain bookstores. "Vermont Wild" - now six volumes - is used in schools from Maine to Texas, taken to hunting camp, has been optioned for a TV series and read all over the world.

 Ann Dávila Cardinal - The Moveable Feast of Promoting Your Writing

The hows, whys, and wheres of promoting your writing are constantly changing: the playing field shifts faster than an Escher staircase. So how can we, as writers and authors, keep putting our work out in front of potential readers in this circus of a marketplace? We will discuss ways to stay nimble and get your work out there amongst all the other responsibilities that life entails, all while being good literary citizens.

About Ann Dávila Cardinal

Ann Dávila Cardinal is a tattooed-Gringa-Rican-punk, a novelist, and Director of Recruitment for Vermont College of Fine Arts where she earned her MFA in Writing. Her young adult horror novel, Five Midnights, was released by Tor Teen in June 2019, and the sequel, Category Five, will be released on June 2, 2020. Ann lives in Morrisville, needle-felts tiny reading creatures, and cycles on the rail trail four seasons a year.

A Bookstagram station will be available to help promote your books

Flying Pig Bookstore will be selling presenters' books, writing resources and more