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Into the Words 2021

  • 25 Sep 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • 870 Creek Road, Irasburg, VT


Registration is closed

4th Biennial "INTO THE WORDS"

LVW's Summer Retreat and Member Showcase

Saturday, September 25, 2021

11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Open for Registration

INTO THE WORDS (Autumn Edition) will be held once again at Jerry Johnson’s schoolhouse home on Saturday, September 25. It’s day of comradery, writing, and celebrating books and the people that create them.

Presentations will be grouped into two time slots, so participants will have their choice to attend topics that will include sessions on book marketing, writing craft, improv for writers, creative shamanism and more.

Location: Jerry Johnson's House

870 Creek Road, Irasburg, VT

(directions below)

Member and Non-Member Rate: $25

This will be a rain or shine program, and we will be social distancing in outside covered areas. Masks and proof of vaccination are required.

Schedule (presentation details below)

11:00am - Welcome & Announcements

11:30am - 12:30pm: Session A – Presentation Choices Below

12:30pm - 1pm: Lunch, Free Writing, and Socializing

1pm - 2pm: Session B – Presentation Choices Below

2pm - 3:30pm: Open Mike and More Socializing (please email the League if you would like to read)

3:30pm - 4pm: Goodbyes & Cleanup

A-Block Sessions - Choose one session on the day of the event.

The Novel as an Organic Creature: Plotting and Collaboration

with Jerry Johnson and Pat Goudey O’Brien

Jerry and Pat will talk about the evolution of their mystery—a period novel set in the Depression era—from a straightforward concept that Jerry came up with while talking to an Old Vermonter friend of his, to the far more complex mystery-intrigue story it has become.

The seminal suggestion given by a literary agent—“Add a modern hook to your period story, and bring some focus into the present to better engage your reader”—was exactly what Pat and Jerry needed to get the plot cooking. Over the course of writing, a couple of new characters insisted on getting into the book. They put even more intrigue into the intrigue.

Pat and Jerry will talk about some long-tested concepts involving how to plot a story, as well as some of their own experiences with this project.

Improve for Writers

with J.S. Grant

Improv for Writers will be a lively workshop where everyone will participate in a variety of theatre games, as well as a brainstorming session on how improvisation can be used as a writing tool. Shy people need not avoid the fun. We may try to cajole you in to giving it a go, but we’ll never force you. After all, audience members are active participants too.

J.S. Grant, an Emerson graduate, taught theatre arts, public speaking, and English for thirty-three years at BFA in St. Albans, directing 142 productions in the co-curricular program there also. She is now thoroughly enjoying retirement.

B-Block Sessions - Choose one session on the day of the event.

On the Tracks of a Scottish Witch: Researching and Writing a Historical Novel

with Nancy Hayes Kilgore

Nancy is the author of BITTER MAGIC (Milford House, 2021,) a historical novel inspired by the true story of a confessed witch in 17th century Scotland. Author of two other novels, Nancy is a winner of the Vermont Writers Prize and a ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year.

With slides and narrative, Nancy will tell the story of how she found the famous (or infamous) Isobel Gowdie in the midst of an ancestor search. With slides of the castles and haunts of this "cunning woman," Nancy will share her research and adventures in the Scottish Highlands.

When the World Zigs, Zag: Book Marketing Workshop

with Shawn T. Anderson

Please bring your books, marketing plans, notes, goals, dreams, ideas…anything you have regarding the promote your book—whether it’s an upcoming book launch or something that’s out that you want to invigorate readership. Shawn will lead a hands-on, high-energy group-think discussion about your works, the market place, and trying new things.

Shawn is a copywriter and branding specialist by day, writer of stories for kids and teens by night. He holds a master’s degree in Communications and Integrated Marketing from Emerson College. He is also the current president of the League of Vermont Writers.

Journey into Character Discovery

with Amy Braun

Meet your character through a Shamanic journey with Amy Braun: you think you know your characters, but have you ever had a chance to talk with them? Ask them questions? Ask them if they like what you've written or how you've chosen to increase tension or end the story? Amy Braun (a trained Shaman) is prepared to teach you the basics of how to journey. During the class she will help you meet your character(s) and get to the bottom of what your manuscript needs.

Sign up to read during the open mike!

If you are attending and would like to have a chance to share your work live and in-person, we will be hosting an Open Mic portion of the event. Please contact Amy Braun at to add your name to the list. Each reader will have about five minutes to read work aloud.

Register online

or send a check made payable to "League of Vermont Writers."  Write "LVW Summer 2021 Program" in the note section of the check.

Mail to:


PO Box 5046

Burlington, VT 05401

Please include your name, address, email and phone number

Please note that our bank will NOT deposit checks made out to LVW.  You must write the name of the League in full, "League of Vermont Writers."

LOCATION: Jerry Johnson’s, 870 Creek Road, Albany VT (physical loca-tion); 870 Creek Road, Irasburg, VT (mailing address) If using Mapquest, use the above mailing address to get directions that will bring you right to Jerry’s door. If using a GPS, this can be tricky, as it’s unknown which address (physical or mailing) would be the most accurate. Please plan accordingly by giving yourself plenty of time to arrive and by printing out a hardcopy of these addresses and directions.

Directions from the common in Irasburg: Pass Ray’s Market on your left with Irasburg’s common on your right. You are now 3.3 miles from Jerry’s schoolhouse. Just after Ray’s Market, you will pass a church on your right. Continue straight ahead down Creek Road. (It may not have a sign.) About 100 feet past the church you will come to a road that forks to the left. Do NOT take it. Continue straight. After about 3 miles you will come to a blinking light at a 4-way intersection. Continue straight. Jerry’s schoolhouse is the 2nd place on the right, about 0.2 miles after the blinking light. Look for “870” just below the mailbox. Park along the road. If you get lost, you can ask people in Ray’s Market or anyone on Creek Road, “Hey, how do I get to Jerry Johnson’s schoolhouse?” Jerry’s number: (802) 754-2265.

Safety protocols

  • Masks are required in densely populated and closed-in areas.
  • Proof of vaccination is required (we encourage participants to screenshot it on your phone).
  • We will be gathering outdoors in covered areas.
  • Hand sanitizer and wipes at registrations, session locations, and barn.
  • Participants will be asked clean up and sanitize the spaces after sessions.
  • Extra masks available as needed

Guide and checklist to help you prepare for the event!

A few reminders

Cell phone and internet service is spotty at best

There is uneven terrain and we’ve done our best to make things as handicap accessible as possible, but please be mindful as you go about the grounds

Parking is limited, but we manage along the road. Carpool if you can.

There will be no fridge or community coolers provided for personal food and beverage

Some beverages and snacks will be provided by LVW: lunch is Bring Your Own.

We can’t control the weather

The final day’s schedule will be provided upon check-in

A few recommendations from the planning committee

Wear outdoor, walking footwear

Carpool (good parking is limited and the drive is long for some)

Arrive early and check-in at the welcome & registration table upon arrival

Bring your own lunch in a personal, private cooler if you have items that need to be refrigerated

Dress for anything and pack sunscreen and/or bug spray and sunglasses [we do provide shade]

Things to bring (check them off as you pack them)

Water bottle (cups and water will be provided, but it may be more beneficial to have a water bottle you can refill and carry around)

Lunch (with cooler)

Bug spray



Camera (you may want to take photos or have photos taken of you)

Lawn chair (Jerry can’t provide chairs for everyone)

Writing utensils and notepaper

Showcase materials (*if you plan to exhibit)

This includes your own table and cash to make change if you’re selling your work

Cash/checkbook (in case you want to purchase something while you’re there or make a donation)

Replace this text with your copyright information and address.
"Your name" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Street Address, City, State 123456

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