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Into The Words!

  • 22 Jul 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Irasburg, VT


  • LVW Member Rate
  • LVW Non-Member Rate

Registration is closed

2nd Biennial "INTO THE WORDS"

LVW's Summer Retreat and Member Showcase

Location: Jerry Johnson's House

870 Creek Road, Irasburg, VT

(directions below)

Member Rate: $25

Non-Member Rate: $35

Schedule At A Glance

(A day-schedule will also be provided upon check-in)

10-10:30 -  Welcome/Arrival

10:30-12:30 - Sessions (offered at 1/2 hour and hour-long increments)

12:30-1:30 - Picnic Lunch (Bring Your Own bagged lunch)

1:30-3:30 - Afternoon Sessions

3:30-4:30 - Ice cream social (provided by the League)

4:30-5:00 - Send off and closing

*At any point, people may skip a session and opt for writing, social time, or contemplation of the pastoral setting.

Next month marks our 2nd Biennial Into the Words: An LVW Summer Writing Retreat and Member Showcase. It’s hosted again by member Jerry Johnson at his schoolhouse farm.

In the earliest days of the League, programs for members were about gathering to share ideas and to spend time together. In 2015, a special subcommittee orchestrated this summer event to bring LVW back to its roots. Purposefully named “Into the Words” playing off the hit-musical Into the Woods, the committee wanted to create that feeling of getting lost in the thing that you love (words) with people who share that adoration (writers).

Into the Words is a program that highlights the craft, skills, and talents of our members. The public can attend, but all presentations, workshops, readings, and exhibits, are provided by members of LVW.

Mark your calendars and get prepared to let the muse lead you into the words: Join us on July 22nd. Attend a session, find a comfy place to write, meditate, think, or chat with friends old and new. The day is one to inspire your creativity and surround yourself with others who share the same passion for writing.

Get all the details and learn about some of the workshops being offered by pouring over the pages of this very special edition of League Lines.

Some of our presenters include:

Shawn Anderson

Amy Braun

Pat Esden

Jon Gailmor

Joan Grant

Kathleen McKinley Harris

Tammy Flanders Hetrick

Jerry Johnson

Shannara Johnson

Pat Goudey O’Brien

Annalisa Parent

Mark Pendergrast

Register online or send a check made payable to "LVW Summer 2017 Program" to:

Check should be made payable to "LVW Summer 2017 Program."

Mail to:


    PO Box 5046

    Burlington, VT 05401

Please include your name, address, email and phone number.

LOCATION: Jerry Johnson’s, 870 Creek Road, Albany VT (physical loca-tion); 870 Creek Road, Irasburg, VT (mailing address) If using Mapquest, use the above mailing address to get directions that will bring you right to Jerry’s door. If using a GPS, this can be tricky, as it’s unknown which address (physical or mailing) would be the most accurate. Please plan accordingly by giving yourself plenty of time to arrive and by printing out a hardcopy of these addresses and directions.

Directions from the common in Irasburg: Pass Ray’s Market on your left with Irasburg’s common on your right. You are now 3.3 miles from Jerry’s schoolhouse. Just after Ray’s Market, you will pass a church on your right. Continue straight ahead down Creek Road. (It may not have a sign.) About 100 feet past the church you will come to a road that forks to the left. Do NOT take it. Continue straight. After about 3 miles you will come to a blinking light at a 4-way intersection. Continue straight. Jerry’s schoolhouse is the 2nd place on the right, about 0.2 miles after the blinking light. Look for “870” just below the mailbox. Park along the road. If you get lost, you can ask people in Ray’s Market or anyone on Creek Road, “Hey, how do I get to Jerry Johnson’s schoolhouse?” Jerry’s number: (802) 754-2265.

Guide and checklist to help you prepare for the event!

A few reminders

Cell phone and internet service is spotty at best

There is uneven terrain and we’ve done our best to make things as handicap accessible as possible, but please be mindful as you go about the grounds

Parking is limited, but we manage along the road. Carpool if you can.

There will be no fridge or community coolers provided for personal food and beverage

Some beverages and snacks will be provided by LVW: lunch is Bring Your Own.

We can’t control the weather

The final day’s schedule will be provided upon check-in

A few recommendations from the planning committee

Wear outdoor, walking footwear

Carpool (good parking is limited and the drive is long for some)

Arrive early and check-in at the welcome & registration table upon arrival

Bring your own lunch in a personal, private cooler if you have items that need to be refrigerated

Dress for anything and pack sunscreen and/or bug spray and sunglasses [we do provide shade]

Things to bring (check them off as you pack them)

Water bottle (cups and water will be provided, but it may be more beneficial to have a water bottle you can refill and carry around)

Lunch (with cooler)

Bug spray



Camera (you may want to take photos or have photos taken of you)

Lawn chair (Jerry can’t provide chairs for everyone)

Writing utensils and notepaper

Showcase materials (*if you plan to exhibit)

This includes your own table and cash to make change if you’re selling your work

Cash/checkbook (in case you want to purchase something while you’re there or make a donation)

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